Clouds in the sky. Temp just above 80 degrees outside. Computer on and program open. Just right for writing!
Have you read Bloodied Leather yet? Get it while it’s still only ninety-nine cents. Kindle | Smashwords
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Authentic Romantic Historical Fiction
Clouds in the sky. Temp just above 80 degrees outside. Computer on and program open. Just right for writing!
Have you read Bloodied Leather yet? Get it while it’s still only ninety-nine cents. Kindle | Smashwords
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I don’t have much of a neat story to share. (But I’ll share anyway.) I stayed up way too late last night watching the “pre-game show” on The Weather Channel. I went to bed briefly (3 hours), setting my alarm for a half hour before things were supposed to happen in my pocket of the world.
When I got up, the sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky. After a while, the light dimmed a bit and the temperature dipped two degrees. I found coverage on TV of Arizona doings a bit late, but with some channel hopping, got to tune in on this week’s big event.
Elsewhere, several groups of my extended family gathered in Idaho, where they enjoyed the spectacularness of the Great American Solar Eclipse.
Remember, Bloodied Leather, my short story that kicks off the “Shenandoah Neighbors” companion stories to the Owen Family Saga, is available for only $0.99 through the end of the month, at all major online vendors.
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Every Sunday I attend three hours of church services. Uh, yeah. Three hours. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m a Mormon, and being observant makes me happy.
The first hour is our worship service, called “Sacrament meeting.” I always have a seat. In fact, it’s kinda reserved for me, as it’s the organ bench and I’m the organist. Music has always played a big role on my life and I enjoy sharing what I love with our congregation and visitors.
During the next two hours, gospel instruction is the order of the hour, with first, Sunday School, and the last hour, men’s and women’s classes, called “Priesthood meeting” and “Relief Society,” respectively. The youth have their own Sunday School class, then go to their Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women classes for third hour.
But what of the children?
Our children, ages 3-11 attend “Primary” the last two hours. Also under the auspices of the Primary is the Nursery class for youngsters from 18 months through 3 years. Classes change each January, so nursery attendees who turned three during the past year graduate to the Sunbeam class. The other age-grouped classes are the CTRs (choose the right) and the Valiant class.
For the past three or four years, I’ve been the pianist for Primary.
A couple of years ago, I also took on the role of secretary. Oh, I’m also the assistant choir director.
As you probably have guessed, our congregation is quite small (and musicians are in short supply). However, it gives me great joy to serve others. By doing the things I have been “called” to do, I am following the example of my Savior, Jesus Christ, in serving others.
And now, go forth and have an excellent day!
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I like trying new things, even if I get to them a while after they have entered the common consciousness. That means I’m not an “early adopter” I guess. But if I realize that a thing might be useful to me and save me time, like the WordPress app may do, I’ll give it a try.
The past week, I’ve been catching up on a bit of reading from a favorite blogger. Suggestions I found there are making me re-think a few business decisions, which might impact your purchase decisions.
After the end of this month, That Tender Light, the Owen family origin story, will no longer be free at online vendors. The price will be $3.99 beginning in September, so now would be a good time to get it onto your e-readers.
Yesterday I published Bloodied Leather, a short story that introduces a new line of stories and longer works called “Shenandoah Neighbors” that are companion pieces to “The Owen Family Saga.” That’s right, the “Owenverse” is expanding!
This story has an introductory price of $0.99. That will also increase in the beginning days of September. Get Bloodied Leather onto your e-reader now.
Now I’m going to hit “publish” and see the results. Eeeek!
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