It seems like forever since I’ve sent out a post. You’ve probably thought so, too. Actually, it was only last January, but over the last six months, I’ve been busy going to various medical offices, taking care of several issues, including water on the knee. Oh! That was exceedingly painful.
The good news is that I’ve made nice progress in rehabilitating the knee. I’ve walked without any assisting devices for a couple of months now. Boy, I’m glad of that. It’s really awkward to cart around a cane or two and still manage a purse and usually, a tote bag of some kind.
More good news is that I’m working on a piece featuring Mrs. Charity Bingham from Trail of Storms. If you’ll remember, she’s a widow, but now she has a chance at a new romance, which comes about in a very unusual way. Keep your eyes open for tidbits on social media and my website about Charity and her new, very handsome sweetheart. This seasoned romance will take Charity on a journey into a whole new world!
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