Authentic Romantic Historical Fiction

Category: A Writer’s Life (Page 12 of 15)

Special Project Coming

Last month, I spent a lot of time thinking about my published work and all the future stories I have to tell. I wanted to organize the work into easily identifiable categories. That’s when I decided that The Owen Family Saga was complete.

Yes, I have many more stories to write about members of the Owen Family, but as I said back on August 9 on my other blog, there is going to be a gap of several years in the chronology before another story begins.

So I called a halt, capping the series at the five existing novels, and then went a giant step farther and changed the suggested reading order. Since I made those decisions, I’ve been working on a special project. I’ll tell you more on Monday, when I do a Cover Reveal. See you then!



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Facebooktwitterpinterest stocks some of my paperbacks

Imagine my surprise when I checked out a tip in one of my author groups and discovered that four of my six novels are listed at! Gone for a Soldier, Spinster’s Folly, Ride to Raton, and The Zion Trail are all available, and at discounted prices.

  GFAS-cover-225W   Spinster's Folly
    SKU-000120289_COVER.indd     The Zion Trail eBookCover_300W

Three of the four trade paperback novels written by me that they carry are ones that I’ve published through CreateSpace, a valuable resource for indie authors like myself. I’m not sure why The Man from Shenandoah was left out, or why the iUniverse-printed Ride to Raton was included, but clearly, this is a(nother) sign that I need to get busy and re-publish the two novels still left with iU, Ride to Raton and Trail of Storms.

I’m not going to agonize about why The Man from Shenandoah is not offered. I presume that it will show up some day. In the meantime, if you’re curious to know if you can get a better deal at than you can at, check out the links below. If you’ve already read them, you could take an opportunity to post a review by clicking on each of the book links.

Gone for a Soldier
Spinster’s Folly
Ride to Raton
The Zion Trail








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Payson Book Festival

BookFest Ad 061016I’m participating in the Payson Book Festival this Saturday. Come up to the cool pines of Payson, Arizona and bring your kids to this family-friendly event. It’s FREE! Except for food and snacks, and of course, a multitude of books to purchase from nearly 100 authors, in every genre and for every age group, fiction and non fiction alike.

It will be at Gila Community College, 210 N Mud Springs Road(north off Highway 260, opposite the Ranger Station) from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Come and go, or stick around for talks, kids classes, and music.

My novels will be in the Bookstore, and I’ll be in the courtyard at Table 14. See you there!




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Writing Blocks

Marsha-Ward_180H-72dpi-1-3by Marsha Ward @MarshaWard

Lately, it’s been very hard for me to write. This state hit about the time June came around, with temperatures shooting through the roof in the first week. Now, of course, massive parts of Arizona are under an excessive heat warning, even in my neck of the woods, so it’s even harder to put my mind on business.

I’ve tried several things to get myself out of the doldrums: changing up my sleep time; napping more frequently, especially when it’s so hot; putting several water bottles in the refrigerator to cool them, then actually drinking them; wearing a minimum of clothing; napping in a room that doesn’t have the sun beating on it; eating lighter meals; using a spray bottle for frequent drenching; and taking a cool shower whenever I feel like it.

To no avail on the writing-a-book front. It’s just too hot to think. I’m not acclimatized to higher temperatures yet.

I’ve tried to be more accountable for the progress of my writing by signing up for a summer-long writing event, and getting a new critique partner.

Yes, I’m getting work done in other areas: social media, blogging, re-doing a website that needed updating (more to do there), planning publication of other pieces, buying covers, formatting manuscripts for ebooks, and the like.

But Ella Ruth, my main character in the novel, isn’t talking to me.

I have finally come to the conclusion that 1) I wrote a scene that Ella Ruth doesn’t want in the story, and 2) she is hesitant to move on from the comfortable zone of her pity party.

I know about pity parties. I have massive to minor ones quite often. It’s a thing with writers, but fortunately, most of us don’t long dwell on the cause. Especially if we have ADD or ADHD. We eventually move on.

Ella Ruth has been in her doldrums since I released Gone for a Soldier two years ago. In her real time, though, it’s been less than a year since the close of the American Civil War.

I guess the only thing I can do is keep writing scenes and listen to her. I hope she will approve of the new ones and help me get back on track.


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