Authentic Romantic Historical Fiction

Category: A Writer’s Life (Page 3 of 15)

A windmill, you say? Don Pedro, what are you thinking?

Today a windmill popped up in my Work-in-Progress (WIP). I had no idea the subject would ever be written about, with my characters there in the wilds of New Mexico Territory in 1867, but it seems that my Male Main Character is quite proud of having one of the first such pumping engines in the territory on his rancho.

It so happens that back in 2015, I attended a convention in Lubbock Texas, and made a field trip to the American Windmill Museum. It was a glorious day to view the numerous spectacular windmills in the museum’s inventory, both indoors and out.

Did I take copious notes about windmills, in case I ever needed such knowledge? It appears that I didn’t.

I swear I took pictures, though. I know I took pictures in Palo Duro Canyon on my way home from Texas. Can I find said pictures?

No. They are nowhere to be found.

It appears that I have a gap between 2015 and 2016 in my digital record. What?!?

Photo by mhamilton456Instead, by way of illustration for this post, I offer this photo taken by mhamilton456 in 2016 of an outdoor display of some of the windmills at the museum.

I stood, uneasily, beneath that giant white wind turbine shown at center right, my stomach shrinking. The sound was intimidating as the blades whooshed through the air. I moved out from under it as quickly as I could.

The tour of the property was quite fascinating.  Notes or accessible photos would have helped my scene, but I have neither. I’ll just have to dredge deep into my memory, or refresh it by way of viewing photos on the Internet so I can write a passable description of the windmill for my scene.

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Did I figure this out?

Some time ago, I put the WordPress app on my cell phone, hoping that I could use the app to quickly make blog posts for my author site, run through a commercial hosting site. (That’s called “self-hosted”.)

Well, that didn’t work, because the app changed shortly after I installed it; it no longer worked with/connected to my self-hosted website. That means I was only able to get to a test site I had set up and one that was a (Free) site. Obviously that didn’t work for my purpose.

This post, if all goes well, is a test to see if the WP app is back on track, that is, that I can now make blog posts on the fly, as I originally intended.

Here’s hoping!

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Sigh… Wrong Year


Today I decided to work on a couple of spreadsheets I use to keep track of events in my fiction and the quarter of the year they occurred in. I needed to add one or two published works in the Owen Family Universe that I never had accounted for before. To check the year on these works of fiction, I consulted my Bookshelf, because I knew I had put the dates in which they took place in a couple of spots.


When I compared the timelines for fiction works on my spreadsheet to the pages on my website so I could locate the proper place to put in the newer works, I discovered that I had posted the wrong year for Ned’s Choice!

I saw that Trail of Storms–the novel I wrote that predated the events in Ned’s life–concluded in 1867, not the year previous.

Uh oh…

Just this week, I updated several sites on the web, using my erroneous data. Now I have to re-do that work–if I can remember where-all I did it. I think one place was my Amazon Author Page, but did I re-do the Author Page used in the UK, too?

Let’s hope I recall how I got to the controls for the UK so I can fix my mistake.

Last Post’s Question:

A month ago, I posted a scene that I found on a nearly-forgotten flash drive that was labeled “Hardy” and asked who knew which character Hardy became in Trail of Storms. I warned y’all it was a bit of a trick question.

I didn’t get any responses. I think my website wasn’t letting you see the comment box. I hope I’ve fixed that now!

Should I Give You the Answer?

Yeah, I think I should.

Here’s the tricky bit: “Hardy” became, essentially, two characters in Trail of Storms.

Well, not entirely, but here’s what happened as I continued to work on the novel:

The role of the competing suitor for Jessie’s hand was given to Ned Heizer. However, Hardy’s flawed ear was given to Ned’s brother, George.

Did you figure that out? Drop me a comment if you had it all under control.

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Today I Discovered…

But First…

Don’t forget that a week from now, on July 20, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, I’ll be at the Payson Book Festival, sharing Table 45. Have you discovered this great family friendly event? Come on up to the cool pines. I look forward to seeing you there!

And now…

A couple of days ago I discovered a Case Logic folder hiding in a bookcase.

A discovered Case Logic folder
Today I opened it up to check out the flash drives inside.

Look what I discovered inside: Old flash drives
On one of them, I discovered a lot of old files that aren’t on my current computer, including snippets from the third novel I wrote, which became the fifth novel in The Owen Family Saga, Trail of Storms. I thought you might like to see how this novel and its characters evolved.

This segment, written back in May of 2006, was entitled “Hardy.” The first part included a man named, yep, Hardy. The second part, a memory about James Owen, made it into the novel pretty much intact. The name “Hardy” in the first section, however, did not. Nor did the actions described in the snippet.

Leave me a comment if you know which final character Hardy became, and give us his name. This may be a trick question, so you may need to haul out your copy of Trail of Storms to check.


Hardy Lundeen was gorgeous; there was no doubt about that, except for one tiny little flaw. His right ear was half gone. Other than that, he was a strapping blond, six-foot-one in height, and gloriously handsome.

He knew he was good-looking, and he made the most of it with his infectious grin, which turned up a bit more on the left side than on the right.

Jessica noticed him when her family joined the wagon train in western Missouri. Hardy was a single man, headed to California to make his fortune after the war. His Yankee twang was foreign to her ear, but he was a gracious victor, and did not mention anything about the past unpleasantness. Others in the party were not so generous, but the rigors of the journey ahead forced the participants to band together for safety in numbers.

Hardy sought Jessica out one evening, shortly after they had set out on the trail. He asked if he might accompany her on a stroll about the camp, and Mrs. Bingham said yes, if Luke went along, too.

Hardy offered his arm, but Jessica kept her hands clasped together as they walked from fire to fire, greeting other travelers. He chatted cheerily to her about his boyhood in Vermont: hunting, fishing, grubbing crops out of rocky soil.

“I hear California has soil down three feet, and no rocks to hinder a man’s plantings,” he said, grinning. “That’s the place for me.” He paused as they walked in the darkness between two wagons, then asked, “What part of California are you headed to?”

Jessica replied in soft tones. “We’re actually goin’ to Arizona, once we get far enough along the trail. Tucson City.”

“Arizona, hmm? I hear that’s a hard place. Full of snakes and heat enough to boil a man’s brains. Or a woman’s.” He looked down at Jessica. “California sounds more fitting for a lovely young lady like yourself. How about you–”

Luke coughed behind them, and Hardy dropped the subject. Yet, he persisted in calling each evening.

Jessica couldn’t help comparing him to her lost James. He and Hardy were about the same height, but James had dark, crisp hair that curled around his ears if it grew long enough. He was handsome in a different way, and had two perfectly good ears, although she knew he had a bayonet wound in one shoulder. At least it wasn’t a wound you could see.

She sighed. James was gone, lost to her. She remembered the nausea that had swept though her when James told her he was leaving and she was staying. They had clung together, hidden behind a clump of lilacs, tempted to fulfill their love, but when James’s kisses grew hot and insistent, she pushed him away, weeping.

“I can’t, James. You know that. You could leave me with a child, and that’s impossible for me.” Tears ran down her cheeks, and she allowed him to kiss them away, but kept her body from touching his.

“Ah Jessie, Jessie.” James’s groan seemed to come from his toes. “How can I leave you?”

“It’s your pa’s doin’. You’ve got to obey him. Even if you don’t like it. I’ll never forgive him,” she whispered, then gave him a soft kiss and a shove. “Go away, James. Don’t come again. Just go.” She fled for the house.


Leave your comment below. I’d like to know how many people know who this character became. Or is there more in this text than is readily apparent?

Copyright 2019 by Marsha Ward

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