Authentic Romantic Historical Fiction

Category: About Marsha (Page 3 of 4)

I’m more than a writer…

Every Sunday I attend three hours of church services. Uh, yeah. Three hours. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m a Mormon, and being observant makes me happy.

The first hour is our worship service, called “Sacrament meeting.” I always have a seat. In fact, it’s kinda reserved for me, as it’s the organ bench and I’m the organist. Music has always played a big role on my life and I enjoy sharing what I love with our congregation and visitors.

Kawai keyboard

During the next two hours, gospel instruction is the order of the hour, with first, Sunday School, and the last hour, men’s and women’s classes, called “Priesthood meeting” and “Relief Society,” respectively. The youth have their own Sunday School class, then go to their Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women classes for third hour.

But what of the children?

Our children, ages 3-11 attend “Primary” the last two hours. Also under the auspices of the Primary is the Nursery class for youngsters from 18 months through 3 years. Classes change each January, so nursery attendees who turned three during the past year graduate to the Sunbeam class. The other age-grouped classes are the CTRs (choose the right) and the Valiant class.

For the past three or four years, I’ve been the pianist for Primary.

A couple of years ago, I also took on the role of secretary. Oh, I’m also the assistant choir director.

As you probably have guessed, our congregation is quite small (and musicians are in short supply). However, it gives me great joy to serve others. By doing the things I have been “called” to do, I am following the example of my Savior, Jesus Christ, in serving others.

And now, go forth and have an excellent day!




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Counting a Few Blessings

Once in a while, I have to sit back and count my blessings. Among them is a daughter who doesn’t mind if I bend her ear to listen to a scene I wrote. Her feedback is so helpful, and her responses are genuinely what I worked for.

I’m also grateful for wherever it is I get my inspiration for characters (there are several theories to consider). For the current work-in-progress (WIP), I’ve looked up settler and long-time Shenandoah Valley folk to borrow their surnames. They just fit.

When I started this crazy adventure story back in my late teens, I had no idea that a real family named “Owen” (no s) actually settled just across the mountain from where I plopped down my characters in Colorado Territory. I didn’t know that fact until thirty-some years later. I had no idea that the surname “Owen” was that of several Confederate soldiers who originated from the Shenandoah Valley. I had no idea I would eventually write about the American Civil War as it impacted MY Owen family.

Blind luck? Serendipity? Whatever I owe this whole shebang to, it’s very special to me, and I’m grateful for the experience.


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2015 Whitney Lifetime Achievement Award

For moi?

My heart nearly exploded a week ago when I received a congratulatory email from Jaime Theler, the President of the 2015 Whitney Awards Committee. The Committee has seen fit to select me as recipient of the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award. Here’s a link to the announcement on the site today. They even included a slide with a nice quote from one of my novels!

I’m equal parts flabbergasted and thrilled.

Here’s a link to the main site, in case you don’t have an inkling what the Whitney Awards are all about. The Award Presentation is in May. I need something new to wear!

All I’ve managed to do today is reply to emails of congratulations and like comments on Facebook. Thank you, everyone!

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Happy Holidays!

No matter which Holidays you observe at this time of the year, or even none at all, I extend my most Joyous Greetings to you

From all the Characters in the Head of author Marsha Ward, and Me

It’s been a fascinating year for The Characters in My Head and Me, but we couldn’t have made it through the distressing, painful times without loyal readers. Although we didn’t plan for, nor publish, a novel in 2015, it has still been a busy writing year.

The Characters and I plan an ambitious publishing program for the year 2016, beginning in February, with the release of the newest novel, The Zion Trail, in ebook format.

The Zion Trail

Producing a Print Edition of a book eats up a significant amount of my time, effort, and resources, but I like to please my Fans. If I hear from YOU and 49 other Fans that you will purchase a print copy, The Zion Trail will be available in print form later in the year.

Send me an email at with the Subject Line
“Please do a Print Edition of THE ZION TRAIL”
to press your case for a Print Edition of The Zion Trail.

Spread the word, and encourage your friends who also love my books to drop me an email.

The Characters and I look forward to bringing you other exciting projects in the New Year. Follow the word counts at my Writer in the Pines blog. And if you haven’t signed up on my Mailing List yet, there’s a form up there at the right where you can do that so you won’t miss out on a bit of news in the New Year. Yes, it’s the one that talks about getting a free novel! Or click here to subscribe.

As you and I leave 2015 behind and enter the uncharted waters of 2016, I send my thanks and many warm wishes to you and yours. Please make the most of every day, read lots of books, and give the gift of reviews to your favorite authors. May you have bounteous peace and prosperity in the New Year.

Happy Holidays!

Marsha Ward, and the Characters in My Head

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