Authentic Romantic Historical Fiction

Category: About Marsha (Page 4 of 4)

Payson Book Festival

Color-Color-Arched-Book-Logo-with-Event-datetimeI’m excited about the first annual Payson Book Festival, coming up on July 25. As well as giving a short presentation at 11:00 a.m. on “Literacy Begins at Home: Build Reading into Family Activities,” I will have a book table where I’ll autograph my novels for you to purchase. The Festival will have lots of free family-oriented activities, including the chance to meet and talk with 60 authors from around Arizona, who write in many genres. Workshops, kids’ activities, entertainment, and door prizes will be part of the fun. Food vendors will also be there.

Come up to cool Rim Country for a Saturday full of great activities for your family on July 25, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Payson Book Festival will be held at Gila Community College, 201 N. Mud Springs Road, just off Highway 260 in Payson, Arizona.

Here’s a radio interview on June 5 that I did with KRIM-FM’s host Phanie. Learn about how I began writing, how the Owen Family Saga evolved, and the Payson Book Festival’s roots.

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10 Fun Facts About Me

Did you know?

  1. I once went on a monkey-watching hike up a river in Venezuela. When I say “up a river,” I mean mostly “in the river.” We never saw any monkeys.
  1. The first piece of writing that I remember completing was a one-page play about the expulsion of the Acadians from Canada. I was in third or fourth grade at the time.
  1. When I was a teenager, I was in a movie-making club. I did publicity, made two booklets as the programs for two films, and wrote the script of a movie. One of our participants was Steven Spielberg.
  1. I auditioned for and won a spot in Arizona’s All-State Choir when I was a freshman in high school, which was unheard of in that time.
  1. I had an imaginary friend when I was little. He was—you guessed it!—a cowboy.
  1. I was a soloist with the Tempe Symphony Orchestra in a performance of John Rutter’s Requiem. I sang the soprano solo in the 7th Movement: Lux aeterna. Here’s a link to a more recent rendition of the piece.
  1. My first experience of flying was in a small plane. I loved the feeling of freedom. Now I won’t fly because of bad experiences with the TSA.
  1. In college, I majored in vocal performance, a.k.a. opera.
  1. When I was young, I built a fort with sawhorses and burlap bags. Don’t tell my mother, but it had a fireplace, and I actually lit a fire in it one time. It didn’t draw very well.
  1. One summer I drove to Montana by myself. Folks thought I was nuts, but I loved that trip!
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Five “5’s” Lists

Here are 5 lists of fives…from a few years ago.

Five snacks I enjoy:

  1. Tropical fruit drink mix straight from the can, sprinkled on vanilla ice cream
  2. “Cowboy cookies” from a local grocery store
  3. Mr. Goodbar candy bars
  4. Fresh strawberries
  5. Tortilla chips and salsa


Five songs I know all the lyrics to:

  1. I Am a Child of God
  2. Army of Helaman
  3. I Stand All Amazed
  4. Deep Water
  5. Sweet Caroline

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:

  1. Buy a house on my own land (whoops, I did that)
  2. Hire a personal trainer
  3. Get liposuction, then skin reduction surgery(ies)
  4. Travel, particularly to England
  5. Establish trust funds for my grandkids

Five bad habits:

  1. Eating after 8 p.m.
  2. Staying up late
  3. Not exercising
  4. Reading blogs instead of writing
  5. Spritzing whipped cream into my mouth right from the can

Five things I will never wear again:

  1. Maternity dresses
  2. Stiletto heels
  3. Capri pants
  4. Shorts
  5. Too-tight earrings

What are some of your “fives?” Leave yours in a comment below.

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