Authentic Romantic Historical Fiction

Category: Novella (Page 1 of 4)

A New Venture

New and Improved

For the last few weeks, I’ve been working on something new. It’s also something that is improved for people who have difficulty reading books in regular font sizes. I’ve been creating Large Print editions of The Owen Family Saga.

The first book is the origin story of the Owen Family, the prequel to the Owen Family Saga series, entitled THAT TENDER LIGHT, in which Rod Owen and Julia Helm meet on a spring day in 1840. It was love at first sight, which was fortunate, because after her cousin’s wedding took place in Virginia, Julia was going to return home to Pennsylvania. If she left, Rod probably never would have seen her again. But love found a way to keep her from leaving.

In preparing the large print books, I referenced advice from  the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International, an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, and the American Printing House for the Blind. All text is aligned left with a ragged right margin, uses 18-point font or better, and italics are shown by underlining words. Arial, a sans-serif font, was used in THAT TENDER LIGHT.

If you’re on the look-out for Large Print books, for yourself or an avid reader with low vision, these books will be a real blessing. My plan is to release one book or volume of a book twice a month, if possible.

Front cover of That Tender Light

THAT TENDER LIGHT: An Owen Family Novella, was released at the end of July, and is now available on Amazon. Look for the plain blue cover.


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How Much Do You Know…

…about Rulon Owen? Take this little quiz (write down the letter answers for each number) and see how closely you’ve read the Owen Family Saga books in which he appears.

Gone for a Soldier1. In Gone for a Soldier, how much does Rulon have to pay Mr. Moore for officiating at his wedding?
a. One dollar
b. Two dollars
c. Five dollars
d. Ten dollars

2. What new skill did Rulon learn when he went off to earn money to pay for the wedding?
a. Smelting pig iron
b. Driving a team
c. Felling trees
d. Grinding charcoal

3. What illness struck Rulon that put him into the hospital?
a. Measles
b. Smallpox
c. Polio
d. Mumps

4. Who taught Rulon the skill of tracking?
a. Rod Owen
b. Vernon Earl
c. Garth Von
d. Ren Lovell

The Man from Shenandoah5. What secret does Rulon think he’s keeping from his family when he agrees to go west with them?
a. Mary is pregnant
b. He’s addicted to laudanum
c. His war wounds aren’t healing as they should
d. Roddy isn’t his son

6. How does Rulon use his skill of tracking in The Man from Shenandoah?
a. He finds the Great Bend of the Arkansas River
b. He finds a place where someone watched the Owen wagons pass by
c. He finds Ellen in a snowstorm
d. He finds the correct trail of the kidnappers

Spinster's Folly7. When Pa set out to build a barn in Spinster’s Folly, why was Rulon put in charge of the logging operation?
a. His axe was the sharpest
b. He’s the eldest son
c. He learned to fell trees in Virginia
d. Bill Henry was sick

8. Why did Rulon lose the trail of Marie and Mr. Thorne?
a. Tom Morgan walked his horse over the fresh trail
b. Too many horses had traveled over the tracks
c. He had forgotten how to track
d. A rainstorm washed away the tracks

Congratulations on finishing the quiz! The first person to use the Contact form (found under About) to send me the correct answers by Wednesday, January 15, will receive a free digital copy of the Owen Family origin story novella, “That Tender Light.” Along with your answers, specify the type of file you prefer: mobi or epub.

I will post the answers next Thursday.

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New Works from Marsha Ward

In case you took a holiday hiatus from social media, here is a list by release date of newly published and pre-order works in the Owen Family and Shenandoah Neighbors universes:

Nov 30, 2017: MENDED BY MOONLIGHT: A Shenandoah Neighbors Novella

Available at: Kindle | NOOK | Kobo | Apple iTunes Bookstore | Smashwords (all formats)

Dec 28, 2017: THE APPLE PIE PRIZE: An Owen Family Story

The Apple Pie Prize

Available at: Kindle | NOOK | Kobo | Apple iTunes Bookstore | Smashwords (all formats)

Releasing Jan 19, 2018 and available for pre-order now: BROKEN: A Shenandoah Neighbors Story

Pre-order at: Kindle | NOOK | Kobo | Apple iTunes Bookstore | Smashwords (all formats)

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